The printing house of RA Monitorul Oficial reaches several market segments: general book publishers, advertising agencies, magazine and newspaper publishers, specialized publishing houses (technical, medical, schoolbooks, educational, university courses), digital printing. We can fulfill orders for self-publishing and we offer prepress services. On request, we supply separate services for production of print media to other printshops, such as prepress, printing, finishing. On behalf of our clientele, we subcontract some services to other specialized partners. Our products and printing services are in an extended range: hardcover books, paperbacks, dictionaries, catalogues, brochures, newspapers, pamphlets, made on all types of paper, including thin paper printing (down to 36 gsm, also known as Bible paper), in large and very large, medium, or small runs. We use modern equipment and qualified staff. We offer an excellent quality to all our customers, regardless of the size of the orders. The deadlines are among the shortest in the market and are respected even during busy season.
Ask for a price quotation – CONTACT
Send in your offer for printing materials – CONTACT
Phone: +4021.318.51.20
Albums, books
Magazines, catalogues
School books and supplements
Guide of Digital Files for printing
Organizăm stagii de practică în tipografie, pentru instruirea în posturi de lucru în imprimare și finisare. Cei interesați pot câștiga o primă experiență și pot avea șansa să se alăture unei echipe de profesioniști.
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