We are in a celebratory year, the 190th anniversary of the first issue of Monitorul Oficial (the Official Gazette). Alongside Part I, in which legislation is published, there have been over the years, in various structures and with various content, several parts in which a variety of texts have been published, such as literary and theatre criticism, scientific and historical studies and dissertations, administrative and judicial announcements, government bills, debates in the Chambers. And the beginnings of Monitorul Oficial Publishing House (the Official Gazette Publishing House) merge with those of the Official Gazette publication. Among the publications edited, Buletinul Imprimeriilor Statului (Artă și Tehnică Grafică) [The Bulletin of State Printing Houses] (Graphic Art and Technique), the magazine Viața românească [Romanian Life], the repertory titled Pandectele Române. Codul legilor României [The Romanian Pandects. The Code of the Laws of Romania] (C. Hamangiu) are worth mentioning. Alongside legal works, Monitorul Oficial also publishes books of great importance for Romanian culture, such as: Din vremea Renaşterii naționale a Ţării Româneşti. Boierii Goleşti [From the Time of the National Renaissance of Walachia. The Goleşti Boyars], volumes I-IV, George Fotino (1939), Miniaturi și manuscrise din Museul de Artă Religioasă [Miniatures and Manuscripts from the Museum of Religious Art], Victor Brătulescu (1939), În amintirea lui Nicolae Iorga [In Memory of Nicolae Iorga], The “Nicolae Iorga” Institute of Universal History (1942), Constantin Rădulescu-Motru (1944), Analele Academiei Române: Memoriile Secțiunii Literare [Annals of the Romanian Academy: Memoirs of the Literary Section] (1944). The taste for art and beauty has been one of the priorities of our publishing house, materializing in a number of outstanding publications dedicated to the official art salons (architecture, drawing, engraving, painting, sculpture, decorative art), produced in collaboration with the Ministry of Arts. During the communist dictatorship, the publishing house practically ceased to exist, as the institution confined its activity to official publications. Since the 1990s, Monitorul Oficial Publishing House has resumed publishing works that promote national culture.
The publishing house’s publications cover fields of utmost importance, such as law, art, economics, history, diplomacy etc. Employing remarkable graphic design, adapted to the new visual communication representations now embraced worldwide, sometimes in bilingual or trilingual editions, Monitorul Oficial continues to offer book lovers the most consistent illustration of the Romanian cultural production. We enjoy the confidence of numerous personalities and institutions that have entrusted their editorial projects to the Monitorul Oficial brand.
Why work with us?
- Monitorul Oficial R.A. Publishing House has been included by the National Council for the Attestation of University Qualifications, Diplomas and Certificates – CNATDCU on the list of prestigious publishing houses;
- Editorial services offered: editorial verification, legal verification, translation and proofreading of texts in foreign languages of international circulation, graphics, layout, pagination, image retouching, preparation of the file for printing;
- The editorial services are provided at a high level of quality, with members of the editorial staff trained to proofread texts in various fields;
- Printing, dispatch and even sale on consignment can be added to the editorial services; more information at marketing@ramo.ro;
- For publication proposals or requests for editorial services, please write to editura@ramo.ro.
Legal collections

Art Collections
Photographic art
Friends of the Publishing House
Monitorul Oficial Publishing House is and remains a constant partner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in promoting the activities of Romanian diplomacy, objectively reflecting the historical, political and cultural events that led to the development of our institution, of foreign policy and of Romania as a whole. Monitorul Oficial is not only a legislative repository. Through its publishing house, it generously provides space for cultural and educational concerns. The publishing house's collections include works dealing with related fields, closely related to the legal world, publishing monographs, art dictionaries or photographic art. Over the years, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has collaborated with Monitorul Oficial Publishing House in the printing of several highly regarded works, such as the volume O istorie ilustrată a diplomaţiei româneşti (1862-1947) [An Illustrated History of Romanian Diplomacy (1862-1947)], published in 2012. Its Romanian and English editions provide a concise overview of the beginnings and evolution of Romanian diplomacy. I cannot fail to mention the publication of the book Avanscena și culisele procesului de la Haga (The Forestage and Backstage of the Hague Process), in the pages of which I have reported my experience – professional and personal – during Romania's representation before the International Court of Justice as Agent in the Black Sea Maritime Delimitation Process. As a result of the Court's ruling, Romania obtained approximately 79.34% of the disputed area, i.e. about 9,700 km² of continental shelf and exclusive economic area. I would like to thank Monitorul Oficial for the professional manner in which it carries out its activity, including its contribution to the implementation of Romania's foreign policy.

Bogdan Aurescu
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Romania
The relationship of collaboration between the Constitutional Court and Monitorul Oficial has a long history spanning three decades. During this time, with the support of Monitorul Oficial, collections of jurisprudence, works dealing with the idea of constitutionalism, as well as several issues of Buletinul Curții Constituționale [Bulletin of the Constitutional Court] have been published in outstanding editorial and graphic conditions. All this has enabled the dissemination of the Constitutional Court’s jurisprudence among legal practitioners and the general public. Seriousness, rigour, professionalism and attention to detail are the main qualities underlying this relationship. This is why Monitorul Oficial has asserted itself as a household name in the publishing field. On the occasion of its 190th anniversary, I wish Monitorul Oficial and its team many achievements in their important editorial work. Happy birthday!

Marian Enache
President of the Constitutional Court of Romania
To me, Monitorul Oficial Publising House seems to be one of the most distinguished publishing houses in Romania, boasting impeccable quality of printing and illustrations. My book on the UNESCO world heritage sites in Romania is still a reference volume, thanks to Monitorul Oficial.

Prof. univ. dr. acad. Răzvan Theodorescu
President of the Arts, Architecture and Audiovisual Section of the Academy of Romania
Always, a good thought and a reverence before the Monitorul Oficial Publishing House and its employees! Please receive our thanks and appreciations! We have had some wonderful collaborations over the past few years and we shall definitely continue to build editorial projects together. I was impressed by the professionalism, seriousness and friendliness of the people I met at the publishing house. Honest, straightforward and wonderful people who were able to explain to me sincerely and responsibly, with accuracy, all the steps that would need to be taken until a dream/project left the printing house. I am grateful to them for the confidence, elegance and kindness of each of their thoughts and projects. I thank you and cherish you immensely!

Alina Marinescu
Corporate Affairs Manager, JTI
On this remarkable anniversary, I am honoured to convey my sincere congratulations to Monitorul Oficial, an institution whose history identifies, to a large extent, with Romania’s modern history. The Romanian Notariat and Monitorul Oficial share not only institutional continuity, but also a beautiful and long-standing collaboration, the precious fruits of which can be found in the heritage of national legal publications. The public utility partnership between the National Union of Notaries Public of Romania and Monitorul Oficial obliges you, as well as us, to show steadfastness and responsibility in the service of common good. We shall continue to live up to society’s expectations, as we have done so far, as a team! Happy birthday!

Dumitru Viorel Mănescu, PhD
President of the National Union of Notaries Public of Romania
The historical prominence of the Monitorul Oficial brand is due, first and foremost, to the constant efforts of several generations of professionals who, for almost two centuries, have preserved, enriched and passed on the documentary treasure of this institution. My best thoughts and “Happy Birthday” wishes on the occasion of the 190th anniversary go to the legatees of this valuable inheritance, today’s specialists, the successors of those who, in 1881, printed the first issue of Monitorul Oficial. As a notary public, as an author of specialised works in the notarial field and as a publicist in the pages of the Bulletin of Notaries Public, I highly value my collaboration with the team of Monitorul Oficial, a model of expertise and professionalism. Happy birthday!

Dr.h.c. Doina Rotaru
First Vice President of the National Union of Notaries Public of Romania
I was happy to write a few lines about my encounters with Monitorul Oficial during the year in which it celebrated its 190th anniversary from its first issue (just as I was happy that the Faculty of Law of the University of Bucharest gave the "start" of the itinerant anniversary exhibition, meant to mark this anniversary)! I have had the opportunity to collaborate with the Monitorul Oficial team for the last 25 years (with some interruptions) and, regardless of my position (administrative or as promoter of editorial projects), I was pleased to witness the professionalism and dedication of this team. At the same time, I must be grateful to Monitorul Oficial and its team for the times when it supported important events in the life of the Faculty of Law, such as the celebration of 150 years of existence of the faculty, in November 2009. The legal, economic and social role of the "Official Gazette" in the life of Romania is well known. However, I cannot help but notice its increasingly important role in disseminating and developing national culture, as it has published art albums, history books, memoirs - all of them complementing the essential portrait of this institution in Romanian reality. I wish the Official Monitor and its team good luck in materializing all their future projects!

Professor Flavius A. Baias, PhD
Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest
Having initiated the republication of the Bulletin of the Constitutional Court and participated in the drafting and publication of several works of the Constitutional Contentious Court, I had an excellent and extremely agreeable collaboration with Monitorul Oficial al României and its specialists. I have always valued their professionalism and dedication, their joy in bringing into print and offering the general public the letter of the law, valuable scientific works, and in building useful and generous bridges of culture and civilization. I remain grateful to the entire collective, expressing the hope of future collaborations.

Professor Tudorel Toader, PhD
Rector of the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University in Iași
The publication, since 1997, of several works at the Monitorul Oficial Publishing House gave me the opportunity to get to know more closely the editorial team and the management of the publishing house and to appreciate, each time, the remarkable professional training of the editors and of all those who, from typing the text to paginating and proofreading it, left their mark on the book. Today, the publishing house and the printing house of Monitorul Oficial have earned a well-deserved and prestigious renown, for which reason they fully deserve the respect of authors and their readers. A book, an art album carefully edited at the publishing house or printed in the printing house carries a particular typographical elegance, which gives it a well-deserved place in any bookcase. On this anniversary, dear friends, please receive my best wishes!

Cristian Ionescu
It has been an honour and a joy to collaborate with the Monitorul Oficial Publishing House. With the support of your professionals, I was able to synthesize my almost four years in office in Romania into an album that I shall always cherish. Romania will always have a special place in my heart, and this volume will always remind me of the extraordinary people I met here, of the charming places I visited, and of the wonderful experiences I had here.

David Saranga
Ambassador of the state of Israel to Romania
The Magna cum Laude-Reut Foundation has the experience of three extraordinary publishing products produced in collaboration with the Monitorul Oficial Publishing House. The volume The Tree with 1,700 Year-old Roots. A History of Jews in Germany and Central Europe, in Romanian - English and Romanian - German editions, a project achieved in collaboration with the Embassy of Germany in Bucharest and the Embassy of the State of Israel in Bucharest, and Returning to Romania, a bilingual Romanian - English edition dedicated to the diplomatic mandate in Romania of His Excellency David Saranga, Ambassador of the State of Israel in Bucharest, are proof of the professionalism and high quality of the editorial products released by the brand which is Monitorul Oficial Publishing House. From the idea to the finished product, ready to be released, the editorial team has carefully dealt with every detail, without compromising on the quality of the materials used. It was one of the most efficient and beautiful collaborations that we have ever had, which we shall definitely continue in the future.

Tova Ben Nun-Cherbis
President and Founder of the Magna cum Laude-Reut Foundation
Even though it may seem pathetic or, at the very least, exaggerated, my straightforward statement that meeting Monitorul Oficial has significantly changed my life is a fairly simple one and easy to verify. In a context characterised by the disappearance of publishers specialising in the publication of art books, the opening of Monitorul Oficial to this field, which is both risky and costly, has started a genuine revolution on the market of books and ideas. Under these circumstances, the invitation to be one of the authors involved in this vast editorial project triggered a major change in my cultural and intellectual life. Starting with the introductory text for the Pallady album, but especially with the two extensive studies, Brâncuși, un sculptor de la răsărit (Brâncuși, a Sculptor from the East) and Lumea lui Aurel Jiquidi (The World of Aurel Jiquidi), I effectively entered not only the deep reality of an institution of the utmost importance, but also the human reality of a team exemplary in professionalism, cohesion and rigour. This is how I managed, together with Dalina Bădescu as the author of the images (for the Brâncuși album), as well as of the graphic design for both books, to produce typographical products of the highest quality, as a result of a perfect collaboration with a team of the same calibre.

Pavel Şuşară
Art historian and critic, publicist, writer, researcher at the “G. Oprescu” Institute of Art History of the Romanian Academy
For me, it has been a pleasure and an honour to collaborate with Monitorul Oficial Publishing House, both in my recent capacity as Director of the National Library of Romania, and as an author, when some of my books passed through the Monitorul Oficial printing house, and the quality of the printing was noticed at once. In the context of the 190th anniversary of the Monitorul Oficial publication – the genuine backbone of the Romanian press –, I am also pleased to greet the entire team of the Monitorul Oficial Publishing House, assuring them of my full intellectual complicity and wishing them many more years ahead of inspiration, courage and success in promoting Romanian identity!

Professor Adrian Cioroianu, PhD
Director of the National Library of Romania
Professionalism, quality, promptness, creativity are just some of the traits that define the activity of the Monitorul Oficial Publishing House. A landmark in the production of art books and albums in outstanding graphic conditions, the Monitorul Oficial Publishing House stands today as the most eloquent illustration of the transformation of a name into renown! The Monitorul Oficial Publishing House means not only beautiful books, but also beautiful people!

Adina Renţea
Art Counsellor
I am happy and pleased to have met the publishing house and the printing house of Monitorul Oficial, which, since 1970, have given me the opportunity to boast several outstanding achievements thanks to their printing excellence. Practically, I owe a large part of my achievements in the field of book production to this wonderful team. I cannot fail to mention the rare editions, the bibliophile editions, produced together with some of my students, which are the pride of libraries in Germany, Finland, the Romanian Academy and Moscow and which have won prizes at international fairs in Leipzig, Frankfurt, Bucharest, Bologna, Budapest and Cluj. Let me mention some of them: editions of books by Ion Heliade Rădulescu, Victor Hugo, Lamartine, Ady Endre, Eminescu’s sonnets etc., which were exhibited at the Paris Book Fair in 2000, the bicentenary of Ion Heliade Rădulescu. My artistic volumes have also benefited from Monitorul Oficial’s mastery. I must also take some pride in the performance of printing the 38 volumes representing the entirety of Eminescu’s manuscripts, thus accomplishing a dream nourished by Romanian writers. On this occasion, all the publishing professionals involved in producing these volumes in an exceptional typographic format were specified in the colophon. They are now the pride of home, as well as foreign libraries, and encourage further research of Eminescu’s work. The original manuscripts, extremely crumbly, are stored at the Library of the Romanian Academy. To conclude, Monitorul Oficial Publishing House, as well as its press, is part of my life, and I would like to express my wish that, even after I am no longer here, considering that I am already in my old age, it will be the same united and highly performing team, with a management intent on printing the spiritual values of our nation. Happy birthday!

Professor Mircia Dumitrescu, PhD
Corresponding member of the Romanian Academy
Monitorul Oficial is that magical space where my images and words took shape on the printed pages, exuding the joy of being even more beautiful and vibrant that I have ever dreamed they would be. Their journey from upstairs, from the bright stage of the editorial office, to the printing house downstairs was smooth and professional, and was always characterised by wonderful communication between me as the author and “the dream team”, the editorial/typographical team of Monitorul Oficial. Thank you for being there! Standing ovation! Happy birthday! And many more to come!

Oana Cajal
Visual artist and playwright
The editorial projects on which I have worked alongside the Monitorul Oficial team have been true examples of professionalism, rigour, efficiency and adaptability to the countless changes to which any complex editorial undertaking may be subject. The quality of the materials and of the printing, as well as editorial exactness have transformed the books on which we have collaborated (Brâncuși – 2020, The World of Aurel Jiquidi – 2022) into genuine bibliophile artefacts of remarkable aesthetic quality. Attention to detail and openness to unique and atypical projects are the qualities that differentiate Monitorul Oficial from most Romanian publishing houses and printing houses, turning it into the main actor on our publishing scene today.

Dalina Bădescu
Painter and art historian
Constanța Art Museum expresses its gratitude for your professionalism and dedication in the achievement of exceptional projects. Titles of works signed by critic and art historian Doina Păuleanu, such as Oscar Han – un artist și epoca sa (Oscar Han – an Artist and His Era) (2020), Peninsula Misterioasă (The Mysterious Peninsula) (2019), Tonitza (2018), Viața tăcută a naturii (The Silent Life of Nature), volume II (2018), Grupul celor patru (The Group of Four) (2016), Viața tăcută a naturii (The Silent Life of Nature), volume I (2016), Regalitatea și marea (Royalty and the Sea) (2015) are testimonies of a prolific collaboration with regard to the research and promotion of visual arts. We are happy that you have accepted this challenge and we look forward to continuing our collaboration in the future, for the purpose of promoting our institution, which houses a real treasure. Thank you and best wishes!

Lelia Rus Pîrvan
Director of the Constanţa Art Museum
Monitorul Oficial Publishing House’s project of keeping alive the memory of the classics of modern Romanian art comprises, as it is natural, a volume dedicated to Ștefan Luchian (2015). The initiative to reprint on such occasion one of the reference studies of the late art historian Theodor Enescu, who devoted a large part of his life to the research of Luchian’s work, is worthy of all praise. I was therefore pleased to collaborate in the translation of this study, which clarifies Luchian’s special place in the modern artistic movement taking place around the year 1900. Originally published in French, in a specialised journal, the study has thus become accessible to a wider public interested in art. It is the merit of the Monitorul Oficial Publishing House that it has kept the relevance of leading artists by resorting to rigorous critical texts.

Ioana Vlasiu
Ist degree main researcher, PhD in art history, “G. Oprescu” Institute of Art History, Romanian Academy
Sometimes our encounters can turn out to be felicitous, with positive long-term outcomes. One of these encounters was and is my collaboration with the Monitorul Oficial Publishing House. If I were to think of the causes that have ensured our trust in this institution, I would choose the following three: a) a professional team of editors, book layout designers, translators and graphic designers, with whom we have always worked smoothly, efficiently, attentively and conscientiously; b) a clear and unequivocal openness to new, unpublished, purely scientific or popular subjects, which have prioritized, at least in our case, the use of the image as a historical source; c) the outstanding quality of the finished product, be it a book or an album, which thus turned from an object of study into an object in itself. Let us hope that the harsh times we are going through will not divert the Monitorul Oficial Publishing House from its path.

Professor Alin Ciupală
Faculty of History, University of Bucharest
I collaborated with the Monitorul Oficial Publishing House in 2018, when I had an album of historical photos published, and I had a very good collaboration with the management of the publishing house, and with its professional book editors. Since then, I have been following some publications of this publisher, especially those pertaining to the history and visual history fields, and I am delighted with the quality of its publications.

Associate Professor Radu Mârza, PhD
Faculty of History and Philosophy, Babeș-Bolyai University
For me, Monitorul Oficial Publishing House means perfection, dedication, human warmth. We have had an exceptional collaboration, and what impressed me the most was the fact that they work as a team. Surprised that the names of the people who worked on my book do not appear, with precise mentions, I was told (I cannot give names either!) that they are a team. A wonderful team that I congratulate with all my heart.

Angela Hondru
Japanologist, translator, ethnologist, former university professor
Through the collaboration of the National Museum of Art of Romania with the publishing house and the printing house of Monitorul Oficial, we have managed to secure an exceptional graphic and typographic quality for our exhibition catalogues. Chromatic accuracy and the pagination in accordance with the best current practices not only convey a remarkable technical content, but also turn our publications into a cultural and artistic promotion tool highly appreciated by the milieus we address.

Călin Stegerean
Director General, National Art Museum of Romania
One of the first steps taken beyond the threshold of modern history was the establishment of the Official Gazette. The Official Gazette provides us with the chronology of Romania’s modernisation, and for the general public it remains one of the most important sources of recent history. The Bucharest Municipality Museum holds in its collections almost the entire existence of the Official Gazette, and the collaboration of the two institutions is already traditional.

Adrian Majuru
Director of the Bucharest Municipality Museum
I do not think that a book could wish to appear in a better place than here, at the Monitorul Oficial Publishing House. From the draft and the idea to the pages smelling of fresh ink, the journey of a book to its readers is supervised with a professionalism that one will hardly find anywhere else. I have had the privilege of working here with people who have turned my project into a more beautiful book than I would have dreamed and who answered with patience and understanding each question asked by the debut author that I am. The attention to the text, the layout and the choice of suitable materials transformed an idea into an object-book that I could hardly have seen printed like this anywhere else. The tradition that goes hand in hand with professionalism has made Monitorul Oficial not just a publishing house, but a genuine institution of culture, and I am proud and extremely honoured that I had the privilege of being one of the authors published here.

Ilie Pintea